Selected Essays from the Op-Ed Pages of The Providence Journal, the oldest continuously-published daily newspaper in the United States.
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You know you always wanted to try this! 12-25-2019
And Down The Chimney He Flew.pdf
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The rich denseness...the cool sweetness sliding into your mouth. Savor the past....Savor the present....11-28-2019.
Pumpkin Pie With Whipped Cream.pdf
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What says springtime better than a pretty girl and a pretty convertible? 4-20-2019
The Lotus of Spring.pdf
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Down the hill and across the snowy lawn we flew, spinning... spinning...spinning across the pond toward the moon's silvery reflection. 12-25-2018.
Christmas Story 2018 ProJo.pdf
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Boy gets killed by a "Jap" in the field behind his house, followed by tears, popsicles, and the word that his playmate did not invade Pearl Harbor. Includes singing and dancing to "South Pacific" on the Victrola! 8-12-2018.
V-J Day Story ProJo 2018.pdf
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A 4th of July sailing excursion on Narragansett Bay in Newport takes an unexpected detour at sunset. 7-4-2018
4th Story ProJo 2018.pdf
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It's never too late to love, but sometimes it's a little too early. 2/14/2018
Valentine's Day Story Pro-Jo 2018.pdf
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They "didn't know they had wishes for warm, new wool coats," but, as it turned out, "the wishes they didn't know they had did come true." 12/24/2017
A Halftown Christmas.pdf
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Thanksgiving, with a generous helping of barbed wire. 11/23/2017
An Early Lesson In Gratitude.pdf
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Riding the roller coaster of desire in the back seat of a '49 Buick. 8/06/2017
20 Twinkies.pdf
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A little story about a big flagpole and what lasts. 7/02/2017
Fourth of July 2017.pdf
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A boy, a girl and ice skating in downtown Providence. 2/12/2017
Valentines Story 2017.pdf
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It was a Saturday, and a dangerous ennui had settled in. 1/29/2017
Winter Humors.pdf
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Yule Night at an exclusive New England prep school requires a trained eye to see the truth. 12/25/2016
Christmas Amongst The Chosen In RI.pdf
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A "respectable" family is caught being otherwise. 11/24/16
My Thanksgiving in Little Compton.pdf
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In the season of happy accidents, Newport neighbors watching "Around the World in 80 Days," fly into the future at the speed of light. 8/24/16
The Avant Garde of the Backyard.pdf
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A lazy, humid day coming up on the 4th of July. A kid poking around for something to do. A cherry bomb. 7/3/16
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They are fewer, who can remember firsthand the last war we had to fight. Today, the vaster number mourn the loss of those whose lives were sacrificed in vain, shipped off to be slain in wars not only futile but with vicious repercussions, while those back home partied on, shopped on, married on, careered on....
This little story is a remembrance of one lost; gone away as quietly as we move on to the next thought. 5/29/16 Peace.
Twist and Scream.pdf
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A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. 5/8/16
My Lying Mother.pdf
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The citizens of Rhode Island rise up against a state-funded tourism campaign that burns millions of taxpayer dollars, casting it off as in 1776, RI cast off the repugnancies of King George III. 4/6/16
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If only we behaved admirably all the time. But we don't. Damn. This is one of those stories. 2/14/16
A Remembrance of Love Squandered.pdf
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A haunting story of Holiday horror and perverse delight, sprung from an innocent yearning. 12/25/15
Christmas Story 2015.pdf
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A Thanksgiving in the Irish section of Newport throws together two Beatles fans; one with long legs, white tights, and a mini-skirt and the other trying to catch up and not get shot! 11/26/15.
Thanksgiving with a long-legged friend.p[...]
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Trick-or-Treat transcendence. 10/31/15
On Halloween, the amazing Toast Man.pdf
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Back-breaking work during a sweltering August results in tragedy. 8/26/15
Swimming in money one August.pdf
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All alone on Easter Sunday, in Newport. 4/5/15
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A unique theory about who stole over $500 million in art from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, in Boston. It remains the biggest art theft in history and is still unsolved! 3/18/15
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On a snow-filled Valentine's night long ago, a broken heart is mended by banana bread, French ginger ale, and love. And, yes, a deep-deep kiss and the strong beat of a true heart. 2/13/15
French Ginger Ale At Newport's White Hor[...]
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Beckoned by a blizzard, a third-grade girl walks out on a limb and falls into the future. 12/25/14
A Gift From An Unexpected Place.pdf
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A tale of Thanksgiving, complete with swans and cows, messy kisses and weeping willows. Even a country lane, and in the distance, beyond the pastures, the promise of a better life. 11/27/14
After The Turkey, A Slice Of Solitude.pd[...]
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A tale of terror and lost concertos, seen through the eyes of a boy who only wanted some good candy. 10/26/14.
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A tale of terror and lost concertos, seen through the eyes of a boy who only wanted some good candy. 10/26/14.
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From his lawn chair beneath the grape arbor over his driveway in the Fox Point section of Providence, The Old Portagee in his 40-year-old Broooks Brothers shirt, gives a boy something to think about, while they chew on grilled chourico and fava beans. 08/31/14.
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Sitting on a high stone wall on Broadway in Newport, a couple of friends admiring the cars coming into town for the Folk Festival, meet the unusual occupants of a Cadillac that overheats and pulls over right below them. 08/03/2014.
This Land Is My Land (Newport, That Is).[...]
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A boy and a girl disappear into the dunes of Little Compton, while the log burns and the fireworks explode. 07/04/2014.
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Bored on a summer's day, a young boy gets into big trouble in the basement. 06/13/14
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A soldier fights his way out of a hellhole back to the girl and life he loves. 05/26/14.
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A childhood treasure hunt on a Newport beach leads many years later to a Providence cemetery and into a springtime romance. 03/28/14
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Two teenagers who've just met at a Valentine's Day party, run away together to Newport, RI and hole up in mansion closed for the winter. 02-14-14.
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May the spirit of the Christmas Igloo bring your nose closer to the one you want to rub. 12-25-2013.
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Many ask how IRREPLACEABLE came to be the novel's title. This and more, including a romantic encounter between the author and Cybill in Providence, is recounted in this popular Op-Ed Commentary. 10/18/13
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The suffocating heat of the Bristol, RI 4th of July Parade, infidelity, the overheated sexuality of a young girl and a fast-burning wick. Raaah! 07-04-13
Celebrating July 4 With The Lumpkins.pdf
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An uncle shot down by Germans in WW II, and known to his nephew only through an old black and white photograph, appears in a graveyard with some information for the boy.
What Little We Know.pdf
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A teenager who's just obtained his driver's license and a used Jaguar, drives out to Dulles Airport at night to project himself into a different life. 02-14-13.
Paging Catherine Deneuve at Dulles.pdf
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At an Episcopalian prep school, the few Catholic boys are taken to town to attend mass on Sundays. But down the street is the smell of sausages and toast...cigarettes...a juke box.... 03-31-13.
The Catholic Young Lords From St. George[...]
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On Christmas Eve, a young boy is beaten by his father and runs away in a blizzard to seek refuge at his grandparent's farm. 12-24-12.
Old-Fashioned Holiday Violence.pdf
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A young couple with their baby enjoy a backyard garden in springtime. 03-22-12.
A Time for Babies.pdf
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Afraid that his father is going to confront him about smoking marijuana, a boy sneaks out the bathroom window and flees to his friend's house next door to seek her help. 12-25-11.
In Search of The New World in Newport, C[...]
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How Ruth Simmons, President of Brown University from 2001--2012, shamelessly raked in the dough by sitting on the board of Goldman Sachs during most of those years. 02-25-10.
Brown's President and Goldman Sachs.pdf
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A young boy's long-awaited winter trip to Florida turns from a mythical dream into a family nightmare!
Christmas Dreams of the Are-We-There-Yet[...]
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